
Did you know most people with
NTM also have Bronchiectasis?

Did you know most people with
NTM also have Bronchiectasis?

Kathleen Hall


Kathleen Hall has over 25 years of physiotherapy experience, developing a specialist interest in cardiorespiratory physiotherapy since 1986. She
has worked with numerous patients with respiratory conditions in Melbourne and Brisbane, currently working as a senior physiotherapist in the Departments of Thoracic Medicine and the Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre at the Prince Charles Hospital. She also is the Lecturer in Charge – the Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy program at the Australian Catholic University, Banyo. She holds degrees in Physiotherapy (Queensland University), Post Graduate Diploma in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy (La Trobe University), and a Master of Social Science – Counselling (QUT/ACU).

Email: respiratoryphysio@outlook.com

Ph: 0416 085 307

Kirsty Watson


Sub Acute Chronic Care Rehabilitation (SACCR)

Building 14, Berrill Lane
CQ University Campus
554 Yaamba Road
North Rockhampton QLD 4701

Fax: 0749325294
Ph: 0749309009

Lisa Franks

PhD, BPhty
TPCH Allied Health Research Coordinator (Tues-Wed)
TPCH Physiotherapy Department (Thurs-Fri)
Dr Lisa Franks is a physio with over a decade of clinical experience. She has a special interest in respiratory physiotherapy and completed her PhD on airway clearance and bronchiectasis in 2022. She has published four research papers in bronchiectasis. She is currently undertaking a research fellowship and works at Pulmedica and The Prince Charles Hospital.
For NTM bronchiectasis respiratory physiotherapy referrals: Pulmedica, Suite 6a, Ground Floor, Administration Building, Greenslopes Private Hospital, 121 Newdegate St, Greenslopes, QLD, 4120.

Email: admin@pulmedica.com.au

Ph: 0738478890